Takao (高雄)

Takao ()

A small, atmospheric mountain village in the north of Kyoto; Takao offers a quiet and more traditional taste of what Kyoto has to offer.
This village is perfect if you want to experience the history and traditional atmosphere of Japan, but want to avoid the crowds. Just under an hour away from the centre of Kyoto, Takao is quiet and peaceful. Small tea shops cluster around the main paths to the temples and the river which runs through the villages central valley offers stunning scenery.

Things to see and do

Kōzanji (高山時)

Kōzanji is a small, traditional temple surrounded by a forest of towering cedar trees with gnarled mossy roots growing into the paths to various shrines. The temple dates back to the Nara period and in 1994 was registered as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto”. The main building is of charming Japanese design, with beautiful traditional gardens.
The temple is home to a couple of iconic firsts:
  • The oldest tea plantation in Japan. 
  • The oldest example of Manga - Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga, a collection of ink drawings from the 12th and 13th century. These scrolls feature humanised animals, the most famous image of which is of a frog and a rabbit dancing.

Jingoji (神護)

Established in 824, Jingoji is built on the top of Takao Mountain and is a charming complex of temple buildings which come to life during the autumn season. The temple is famous for the many momiji in the grounds which turn bright shades of red, orange and yellow during this season. The main hall is worth checking out, the interior is dark, mysterious and very beautiful with the scent of incense and the sounds of chanting filling the air. There is also a place to do kawarake-nage, a ritual where you can purchase small clay discs to throw from the cliffs in hopes of ridding yourself of bad karma and misfortune.

Autumn leaves

The autumn leaves in Takao are truly stunning. Ranging from bright vermilion to orange and yellows, taking a walk through the temples and areas around the village is highly recommended. Jingoji is particularly well known for its autumn foliage and the temple is worth a visit during this season.

Things to eat and buy

Tempura Momiji

One of the specialties of Takao during the autumn season is Tempura Momiji. There are a number of tea shops and stores along the path to the temple which make and sell these treats. Fresh, young maple leaves are dipped in tempura batter and then deep fried and they’re surprisingly tasty!

How to get there

I got to Takao on the JR bus from Kyoto Station, and cost me around ¥520. It took just under an hour to reach the Yamashiro-Takao bus stop (山城高雄) (to access Jingoji) and a few minutes later the Toganoo bus stop (栂ノ尾) (to access Kōzanji).
As always, double check all directions and other information before heading out for yourself. These can change quickly, so make sure you've confirmed your own travel plans. Happy traveling!
